Mental Mayhem Show

Mind reading, stunts, comedy, audience participation and more!

With his own special blend of magic and humor, entertainer extraordinaire Joshua Routh presents a night of stunning stunts, reality shattering mind reading and hilarious antics. The Mental Mayhem Show is a show that incorporates mind reading, sideshow and comedy in a lively show. It's concept is edgy, unique, and very funny!


Using total audience participation, the Mental Mayhem show dazzles the mind and challenges you to question what is real and what is unreal. You don't just watch this show - you experience it!

With his own special blend of magic and comedy, entertainer extraordinaire Josh Routh presents a night of stunning stunts, reality shattering mind reading, and hilarious antics.

It's an evening of wonder and delights where impossibilities are brought to life right in front of your eyes.

The show's concept is edgy, unique and very funny. Experience the transmission of thought, see expert slight of hand and take part in a chain escape unlike any you have ever seen before.

All of this and more awaits you at the MentalMayhem Show . You will agree that this show is a theatrical adventure like no other! You don't want to miss out on this nonstop, interactive and fun presentation!

Mental Mayhem Features:
-Mental mastery - Displays of advanced memorization and mathematical skill
-Psychological manipulation - The illusion of our choices demonstrated
-Mind Reading - Thoughts transmitted across the stage
-Comedy - Always clean but still edgy, nothing hokey. Human Resources won't disapprove!
-Audience Participation - Many volunteers have the opportunity to take part in the show.
-Mind Over Body Stunts - Sword swallowing and more!

Make sure you book the caricaturistsface paintersjugglersstilt walkersmagicians and balloon artists that will complete your event!

Copyright © Circus Kaput St. Louis, Missouri 314-803-2503 All rights reserved.  



Contact Info

231-F Chesterfield Center
Chesterfield MO 63017

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Our team is at your service to help you with booking or answer any related questions.


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